Saturday, April 23, 2016

He Sold Her Teeth.

[Reidsville Times.]

            Mr. Bangs, a widower from a near county, appeared in Danville, Va., with a full set of his first wife’s false teeth set on old fashioned gold plate. The former Mrs. Bangs wished those teeth buried with her, but Bangs had an eye to profit and loss, and he laid them aside for a rainy day, when he could wipe all tears away, and December would seem as happy as May. So Bangs “set ‘em up”” and got the money down. He bought his wedding clothes with the money and now he and the second Mrs. Bangs are as happy as two on a limb. Chew this, ladies. It’s the truth.

The Tarborough Southerner (Tarboro, NC) 1 Jan 1885

[The Wilmington Morning Star (Wilmington, NC) 28 May 1879]

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