HE state of North Carolina has much game within its territory. It has an area of 52,286 square miles. The coast line is fringed with low sand islands and bars, making numerous lagoons between these islands and the mainland, which draw thither myriads of wild fowl. Currituck, Albemarle, Pamlico, Bogue, and Core sounds are all famous wild fowling resorts. Although some of the desirable territory in islands and points is controlled by clubs, there is still much good gunning territory open to the sportsman.
From the coast, inland for about fifty miles, the country is level, with many swamps and marshes. Behind this level country the surface is uneven and rolling; the extreme western end of the state is mountainous. The swamps within the state harbor much game, and are famous. The Great Dismal Swamp, which is some twenty miles in length and about twelve miles in width, lies partly in this state and partly in Virginia. Alligator swamp is another that is famous; it is between Albemarle and Pamlico sounds.
Of feathered aquatic game, there are nearly all the species of the duck family, at least twenty-five species being known to exist; the most sought for are the canvasback, redhead, ruddy duck, mallard, and black duck. Geese of several varieties are found in large numbers; swan are common on the northern sounds; there are besides quantities of the other species of water-birds.
Of the upland game-birds the most highly prized is the wild turkey; there are some ruffed grouse; quail (bob-white) arc very abundant; woodcock migrate through the state, as do Wilson's snipe.
The various kinds of shore-birds are very abundant, but there is so much larger game as to cause the shorebirds to be unmolested to a large degree.
Dare county covers all of the beaches and shoals between Roanoke island and Hatteras inlet, and is a great resort for wild fowl; early in November there arc thousands of duck, geese, swan, and brant there. Most of the shooting is done on the sound on the shoals from batteries or sink-boxes. During the westerly gales the tides arc high, driving the birds from their feeding grounds; at such times good shooting can be secured from the points of the marshes. Beaufort is a first class center for wild fowl and shore-birds.
Near Marines in Onslow county there is a great variety of sport. Large and small game is abundant there, and includes deer, bear, turkey, quail, opossum, raccoon, and rabbit.

At Newbern the duck and snipe shooting is generally good in the season. Near Washington, on the Pamlico river in Beaufort county, is a place where the sportsman is likely to find good furred and feathered game shooting.
Maysville in Jones county, and Riverdale in Craven county, are said to be excellent places for wild turkey.
Duck and brant shooting is excellent in season about Roanoke island. Hobgood in Halifax county is good for quail shooting.
Edenton in Chowan county is an attractive town on the east coast. It is on Edenton bay, where the Chowan and Roanoke rivers enter Albemarle sound. The country in this neighborhood is excellent for quail shooting; after November the shooting is best.
A great deal of the land in North Carolina is posted, but as a rule the sportsman, by gentlemanly conduct, can secure permission to shoot from farmers for a small consideration.
Belfast in Beaufort county usually gives good sport, consisting of deer, water-fowl, and quail shooting.
Those fond of snipe shooting can generally find good shooting about Newbern the first three months of the year; there is also good shooting of other game.
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